Why is it important for women to understand money?

Because women are now responsible for more assets than ever before in history! (and I for one don’t want to see that number go backwards!)

Did you know it is estimated that women now control 30% of global private wealth? And that number is estimated to grow at 7% annually!

Did you know that women are using that money to start businesses at THREE TIMES the rate when compared to male entrepreneurs? Incredible!

Did you know that all-women investing clubs outperform and get higher returns than their all-male counterparts 9 times out of 10?
I guess we’re not quite as “emotional” as we’ve been told.
Turns out that when we understand money we’re kinda badass with it.

So when I hear a woman say that she doesn’t need to understand finances because “someone else takes care of that” or that money isn’t really “her thing”, I cringe.

I believe, down to my core, that women should learn about, understand, and take responsibility for their finances.
I believe that we owe it to ourselves, to our daughters, and to our communities, to lead in this arena.
I believe that the world is a better place when women take the lead in this field.

I know these are big statements and I know many of you will be bothered by them. Money is an extremely triggering topic.

But I’ve never been one to shy away from big topics or controversy.

So let me know, agree or disagree?
Drop a comment in the space below and let’s have a conversation!