What you’re doing with your money now is what you’ll do with your money when there’s more of it.

Monetary riches won’t suddenly transform you into a miserly, Mr. Burns-esque, scroogy-scroogerson if you’re already someone who’s kind and giving.

On the flip side, if a classic case of stinginess is what ails you, you won’t find a cure in excess riches because stinginess is born out of fear. A fear of lack, and loss, and never having enough.

More money won’t change that, it’ll amplify it.

Givers will give.
Hoarders will hoard.
Spenders will spend.

How you interact with the world at your current income is how you’ll interact with the world when you have more.

Good people (like the folks I’ve met in this community!) do good things with money and frankly, our world could use a helluva lot more of that energy right now!

Light a fire in the comments if you agree! ???


And if this post has you feeling fired-up and ready to take command of your finances then book a 90-minute intensive with me and let’s work on it together!

Through these intensives, I’ve witnessed clients make massive shifts with their money. They are on their way to doing AMAZING things for their families, their communities, and themselves. It’s freakin’ magical!

Does any of the following sound like you? If so, you’re in the right place.

✨ You have a strong desire for your daily life to align with the things you value most.

✨ You’re curious about how your behaviors and habits are sculpting your reality.

✨ You’re fed up with feeling like you’re on a treadmill going nowhere financially.

✨ You feel like you could use better-defined boundaries around money.

✨ You’ve been let down by one-size-fits-all approaches to personal finance in the past.

✨ You can picture yourself living a rich, meaningful life and that vision excites you.

Cost – $297

Feel free to DM me on Instagram or comment below with any lingering questions or if you’re ready to commit, tap HERE to schedule your 90-minute session.