Check out this blast from the past!

This is the payment plan for one of my student loans from 2005!

Had I not made it a priority to pay this baby off over 10 years ago, I’d be making my final payment this May!

I would have spent an additional $5000 in interest charges over the life of the loan (AKA, the cost of a REALLY nice family vacation).

Using our debt and expenses as the excuse, I would have stayed in a soul-sucking job instead of chasing my dream of being my own boss.

It was a blast from the past going through our old paperwork. We were just kids back then!

It was a valuable reminder of how far we’ve come since those early days and a powerful testament to the amazing things that can happen when you commit to getting out of debt.

Are you tired of feeling like you work just to pay bills?

Are you sick of living to work instead of working to live?

How different could your life be if your paycheck wasn’t getting gobbled up by debt payments?

Could you use a little help creating a plan for yourself?

DM me and let’s talk about it.