Don’t chase the goal, chase the reason you set the goal in the first place.

Why are you getting out of debt?

What will it mean to you when you have 3 months of expenses saved in the bank?

For this woman, it means the option to spend a Friday morning out on the water.

It means not holding my breath, hoping that my mortgage doesn’t come out before payday.

It means a little less stress (just a little ?) while I nurture a new business and the space necessary for creativity to flow.

Your reasons for doing the hard stuff are what you’ll need to lean on when you hit those low points along your journey (and we all hit those low points).

Please take time for yourself this weekend to come up with your reasons for making these changes.

Why are you choosing to eat the groceries you have at home instead of ordering takeout, even though you’ve had a long day?

Why are you packing lunch for what feels like the umpteenth time when everyone else is ordering in?

What’s your reason?
Why did you set these goals?
Why do you want financial freedom?

Tell us in the comments below!