I was sipping my morning coffee, scrolling through Insta when I saw her.  She was dancing. Not just your mom’s two-step shuffle, I mean she was legit dancing. Knees up, arms poppin’, smile ear-to-ear, dancing. Outside, in public, for anyone to see, dancing.

Can we please just pause for a minute to admire Ms. Marie Forleo’s sweet dance moves? Doesn’t she look like she’s having all the fun!?!



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I want to dance like that.” I thought to myself.

But wait, I CAN dance like that. I mean, I’m actually a good dancer (and I have some dusty trophies I could show you if you don’t believe me), so I could dance like her. It’s not a lack of skill that’s stopping me… it’s the “outside, in public, for anyone to see” part that’s getting in the way. It’s the fear of feeling silly and embarrassing myself (and anyone I’m with for that matter). It’s the fear of judging looks and snarky comments. 

It’s that same fear that kept us safe in childhood and helped us “fit in” during those painful middle school years, but as adults, it’s what holds us back from a joyful, creative, and all-around more fun way of living.

That fear carries over into our money too. It’s that fear that holds us back from buying the art supplies telling ourselves there are more practical things to spend our money on. We’ll spend thousands on clothes we never wear, kitchen gadgets that rarely see the light of day, and baubles that collect dust… but a dance class? As an adult? That would be a silly use of money now wouldn’t it?  

But here’s the thing, it isn’t silly if it makes your days more enjoyable. The truth is, we don’t dance enough. Or sing enough, or make enough art, or write enough poems and stories. We don’t skip and twirl on sunny days or lay around watching clouds pass by. We don’t play enough. We don’t laugh enough.

Instead, we buy things. We buy things and hope that’s what will make us feel happy. We all know how this story goes. The things fail to keep us feeling happy so off we go, looking for the next cool thing. 

But what if instead of scrolling for the next thing to add to your cart, you got up and danced? Or sang? Or painted, or wrote down those words stirring around inside your head? What if you spent more time each day being silly with your kids, with your friends, with yourself?

What if you spent more time in real joy and less money on all that stuff?

How much better could life get for you?

Are you tired of feeling like you make too much money to feel this broke? I know I was.
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