If I could offer 1 tip for success,⠀
in both business and in life,⠀
it would be this:⠀
Seek out discomfort.

Looking at all the time I have leaned into discomfort,⠀
those were the moments I grew into the next version of myself.⠀

Moving away from home for the first time.⠀
And the last time.⠀
Stepping into management roles I wasn’t ready for.⠀
Applying for jobs I wasn’t qualified for,⠀
and getting some of them.⠀
Deciding to become a parent.⠀
Quitting the job with good benefits.⠀
Every phase of building my business.⠀
Speaking on stage.⠀
Leading workshops.⠀
Every new student and client I work with.⠀

It was all uncomfortable, and uncertain, and came with risks.⠀
I was forced to grow, in each of those moments.⠀
To figure it out.⠀
To figure something out.⠀
All of it, every single bit of it, came with challenges.⠀
And a lot of it felt overwhelming at the time.⠀
But through the work,⠀
learning as I went,⠀
I became a stronger version of myself.⠀
And I kept growing.⠀

The work I’m doing now is uncomfortable.⠀
It’s hard and it’s challenging.⠀
And I’m uncertain.⠀
I wake up some mornings and long for a more familiar place.⠀
But I’m learning to lean in, more and more.⠀
Because when I come out on the other side of this discomfort,⠀
I discover a new version of me.⠀
And she’s always a bit cooler than this one. ?⠀